Jakob Böhme
The Exposition of the Philosophic Globe.
Jakob Böhme's creative representation of the Eye of God, the Eye of the Threefold Circles which signify the three Eternal Principles, the Essence of all essences, the glass of Wisdom whereas all wonders are seen from Eternity.
I have plans to create lectures for Jakob Böhme's Forty Questions of the Soul and also gatherings for discussions on this Ageless Wisdom.
Forty Questions of the Soul
Jakob Böhme wrote this book in 1620 whereas the First Question of the Forty Questions is "What proceeded the Soul Originally at the beginning of the World?"
Eye of Eternity
The illustration within the book is more like a carefully sketch image of black and white. I used Adobe Illustrator and recreated the image with beautiful colors and a more detailed design.
High Resolution Colors
After I recreated the Eye of Eternity in the year 2022, (within that same year) I also created a short video to show the high resolution colors and details of the image.
Quality Assured
The 12 inch by 12 inch gold metal frame, strong glass layer, and white padding is a perfect fit for the 10 inch by 10 inch high glass print of Jakob Böhme's Eye of Eternity.
To Purchase
Purchase by sending an email to CosmicRepository@outlook.com.
Purchase price: $100.00.
Quanity available: 4