Rosicrucian Tarot Deck

Study of the Rosicrucian Grade System.

Rosicrucian Order

Paul Foster Case clearly described the Rosicrucian system of Initiation in his book. After my intense study of Dr. Case's book, I was inspired to create a method of study for the Grades of the Rosicrucian Order with Tarot.

Custom Tarot Box

The Pattern of the Trestleboard is on the bottom of inside the box. This pattern is a startling set of positive statements relating to the Ten Divine Emanations of the Qabalistic Tree of Life which is on the inside flap of the box.

When we learn how to live this Divine Pattern, we become the manifestation of Cosmic attributions and have more conscious expression of Reality.

Large Tarot size

The cards have a 4 inch by 6 inch dimension. No human hands have touched the cards and were sealed professionally by the printer equipment.

Click here to view another angle of the Tarot Deck and the Custom Tarot Box.

Quality Assured

The cards were professionally inspected for the best possible alignment to ensure all cards are centered and the coloring results are perfected.

View the Tarot

Click on an image to take a closer look at the front and back sides of the Rosicrucian Tarot deck.

Walkthrough the Grade

From the First Grade to the Tenth Grade of the Rosicrucian Order, each card is numbered from 1 to 76 and references the 10 cards of the Rosicrucian Grade Names.

The sequential numbering helps keep the 76 cards from becoming mixed up within the 10 Rosicrucian Grades.

Tarot Bag

This black Tarot bag comes with the Tarot deck and has a zipper and twisted rope strap. The strap length is 6" inches and the bag is 10" inches in width and 6.5" inches in height.

Extra Cards

There are actually 96 cards sealed in the Rosicrucian Tarot deck. 76 of the cards are the detailed descriptions of the Rosicrucian Grades. 10 of the cards display the grade name and assigned Tarot Keys. 4 cards are The Pattern on the Trestleboard, and 6 cards are the Tree of Life. On the front side of these extra cards is the Rosicrucian Order imagery used by Paul Foster Case.

To Purchase

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Purchase price: $50.00.

Quanity available: 75